How to move your Facebook Group to Skool

This is for you if you have a Facebook group. You are trying to figure out the best way to move your Facebook group to Skool, or if moving is right for you. This post will answer both questions.

Post contents page:

  1. Should I move?
  2. How to move?
  3. Should you keep your Facebook Group open?
  4. Will your members transition from Facebook to Skool?

Should I move my Facebook group to Skool?

Skool groups are fun, engaged, and profitable. Facebook Groups have restricted reach, low engagement, and are difficult to maintain. People that move from Facebook to Skool do not regret their decision.

@Evelyn Weiss

 had 11,000 paying monthly members in Facebook groups. But since moving to Skool her groups became more engaged, her reach is not restricted, and she’s making more profit.

Here’s what she said after moving from Facebook to Skool:

“If I could start over again from scratch, I wouldn’t want to build anywhere else but on Skool.

Facebook is restricting our paid reach down to an average 300 out of 6500 members in our biggest group, the Coach Growth Hub inner circle.

If you think $99 per month is a lot, pay for training someone to be a qualified coach to answer questions within 24h on weekdays and for someone else to hunt for members who don’t pay but keep consuming your content and support in your communities.

Last year, I paid $367k to fulfill my memberships promises. I think if I were on skool only, it would be a fraction of that AND a much more enjoyable experience and more meaningful community for my clients.

You’re in the right place at the right time.

Just get to work.”

How do I move my Facebook group to Skool?

/ Step 1: Get your Skool group ready for the transition

To prepare for the transition, add everything valuable from your Facebook group into your Skool group. Courses, welcome post, and calendar events.

To incentivise people to switch, add one valuable thing in your Skool group that isn’t in your Facebook group. You can either make something before you launch, or promise people that something valuable is coming soon.


/ Step 2: Make your Facebook group aware of your new Skool group

Make a post informing your Facebook group about your new Skool group. Let them know there’s a new Skool group, why you decided to create it, and what’s in it for them. This can be a text post, video, or live. Pin it.

If you want to move people quickly, frame it that you are moving the group to Skool implying the Facebook will shut down at some point. Or you can frame it that you are launching a new Skool group in addition to the Facebook group.

Make sure you let people know about the one valuable thing that is in your Skool group that isn’t in your Facebook group.

Email the link to your post to your email list (+ customer list). Send multiple emails.

Create a background image letting people know you are moving to Skool. Here’s an example.

If your Facebook group is for paid customers, change your cart to direct people to Skool, or tell your sales reps about the change.

Example posts from Doug

Should I keep my Facebook Group open?

Keep it open to start. Transition piece by piece over time.

When ready, tell the Facebook group a deadline when you will complete the transition to Skool. The stragglers will transition.

Then close the group down so that members can’t post/comment, but they still have the option to search the knowledge base.

Or leave the Facebook group open forever. Here’s 

@Doug Boughton


“One of the things I did was keep my FB group up, I don’t delete it. It still brings in a lot of random requests to join so when they do, they get added to my email list and the first email explains that we have moved and it has the lead magnet and details to join the Skool community. We get about 15 new leads on our list a day and into the Skool community with that strategy.”

Will my members transition from my Facebook group to Skool?

Yes, especially if you frame it as beneficial for them.

Do valuable things in your Skool, then tell your Facebook group about it. You can get people to transition faster by mentioning the downsides of Facebook.

Your members will transition. It takes some time. 40% of the group will transition quickly, then the rest of the group follows within a week or two.


Move to Skool. You and your members will be glad.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


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